For they yield so much power over our lives. Just look at how much our lives have changes over the past eight years for reference. If we are truly our neighbors keepers, how can we sit back and be content to not get involved while so many remain hungry and their numbers are being added to daily. In this current economy, which has gone from bad to worst over the past seven years - now has many who were considered middle class just a year or two ago are now finding themselves sleeping on the streets as a result of erroneous political decisions by our top politicians. We are deeply engrossed in a war with no known exit strategy or intention, against folks who were not our enemy prior to our invading their territory. Most Iraqian’s were not exactly fans of America (for valid reasons) however, facts seem to reveal that 911, the primary reason given for the invasion, was the responsibility of al-Qaida in Afganastan, not Iraq.
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