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Get it to the Presidents with Hope and Much Prayer

Rachel Maddow in Phoenix Afghanistan. Amazing buildings, very expensive huge landscapes are what government officials are buying with monies sent them from America to cover the expense of war. Fantastic buildings housed on unpaved streets because the persons who own the properties do not actually live it them but rather use them as investment properties for rent, lease, resell or whatever.  The many poor and hungry in the neighborhoods pick through trash left in the streets for food and recyclables.

Please what this video and pass it along.

If you know someone who might know someone, who might know someone who can get in front of the President, or get in a conversation with the President about this, please do what you can. And spend a moment in prayer, with gratitude for this time in history. I do believe we have President with a sincere heart to what want to do the right thing. I just think he needs a second wind. The 2008 Campaign was awesome, he was outspoken and ready for a fight. Now that he is in office I think all the very many catastrophes left him are kicking his butt. And I'm sure his opponents level of mean and relentlessness was totally unexpected.

Please pray for the President to continue to grow in wisdom and creativity to deal effectively with opponents that would attempt to block good works for the that would benefit the many over the few. Pray for him to be as sly as a fox, yet gentle as a lamb as we all would like to think he is. A humble ninja on top of it all. A God fearing man with the Lord as his commander and chief.


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